Before I forget how I felt. Before I forget how your smile, Your scents, Your voices and laugh. Before I forget everything. Before everything going to fade away. Before everything change. Before all those musics we listened together became meaningless. before all those tears and laugh become history. Before all the food that we tasted together become tasteless. Before I forgot how to call your name, how to insult you, how to console you how to make you laugh. Before I forget every moment that we spent together.
I just want to tell you that someday I might forget. someday I might forget everything about us. and tell me everything again. and at least I can tell my life is great when I with you. To be honest, I afraid, I dont want to forget how I felt. it was pleasure. sentimental. happy and eventhough we knew that day will end someday. But we need to move forward. But as long as I didn't forget, I will keep this feeling forever.
Argh. Benci cakap pasal lupa lupa lupa. Kalau memori tu letak kat otak. cereblum ke cerebrum ke. Kalau perasaan tu letak kat hati ke, jantung ke. why is everything not permanent? Why the time that flies will never come back? Aku selalu marah dengan diri aku sendiri. Dulu aku menangis nak berpisah. Lepastu aku lupa macam tu rasanya. sebab apa Migi tinggalkan Shinichi walaupun dia taknak sebenarnya padahal dia boleh. (parasyte).
Cakap pasal tinggal tak tinggal. dah 10 hari tinggalkan Reka. rasa macam dah lama dah. Rindu tak rindu. sebak tak sebak. 5 bulan tu dah macam2 boleh berlaku.
kalau aku lupa. ingatkan. kalau aku masih ingat. aku akan terus doa.