Ya tuhan,
Apa agaknya yang terjadi pada aku lepasni?
Hidup apa yg aku bakal lalui ?
Siapa yang akan aku hidup bersamasama kesusahan ini?
Apa jalan yg akan aku pilih atau jalan yg telah lama engkau sediakan?
Adakah apa yg aku lalui ini mendekatkan aku kepadaMu? Kalau ya, aku redha. Kalau tidak ampunkan aku.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016
At the bottom.
Seriously, i think i'm at the bottom if my life right now.
I dont know if i can get any lower and below.
But, for now i feel like dying. Iam dying. Im dying, i could even imagine myself commit suicide. Nauzubillah.
Remember this, this pain. I will never forget. This pain is shit, lantaklah apa nak kata ujian ke, better life will come later ker, or lesson learnt ke, pegi jalan lah. Takleh terima dah.
3month dlm hell.idk if the real hell is how hellish is that hell. Ini sikit ada org byk kena, dh jgn compare lagi.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
To where she belong
Hati hati dengan apa kita minta dengan Allah. Hati hati bila berdoa. Hati hati bila niatkan sesuatu. Kerana pabila Allah kabulkan kita tak mampu nk handle consequence yg kita tak jangka.
Kau mintak, tuhan alihkan pemikiran kau supaya tak fikir masalah, Allah akan dtgkan kau benda lain yg akan lg membebankan. Alihkan pemikiran kau tak bermaksud benda lagi better dari dulu, kadang bila lagi berat lagi kau tak nak fikir benda yg kau mintak nak avoid dulu. Faham?.
Tapi takpalah tu urusan kau dgn Allah. Tiap org lain request, dan lain ujian. Walaupun kita tahu sbnrnya Allah dh tahu apa ada dlm hati kita tanpa kita sebut. Oh well,
Harini sblm umi bergerak pegi umrah, we had a kinda short-deep farewell hugs. Duduk satu rumah jrg jumpa jrg bcakap. So bila umi akan pergi for 2 weeks ni umrah pulak tu, so yeah.
I cried, mom actually cried too because when i hugged her i asked her to pray for me, to be a good daughter, good person that can bring out everything in me, and i told her i want to be a great person, with a great heart and deeds and also i hope that someday ill meet the job that i will love with all my heart.
So, after that mom said
'Tau tak apa abah mintak doa utk korg? '
'Apa? '
I was actually shocked, at the same time sad and dissapointed. Idk why, tp rasa mcm ive been burned to him since i stayed and kerja kat rumah. I didnt help much. Padahal logic je hari hari parents doakan jodoh utk kita, but this time it felt different, sbb mmg ktorg family mana penah ckp pasal jodoh apa smua. Sbb masinh2 diam senyap je. (Me and my sister).
At this age, tu je yg aku rasa. Burden and he wants to send me off. To another person. Sbb mybe abah dh xleh tanggung aku apa aku nk buat. Aku pulak tak serious nak cari kerja. Kerja sikit dh merungut zaman belajar xyah kiralah tahan je lah mom dad tu.
For the first time in my life, i thought that i dont want to get married forever. Sblm ni xterfikir pun sgt pasal kahwin, family, hidup asing tanggungjwab, bla blaaa (coz i never been serious bout getting married lah). Aku nak stay mcm ni je selamanya. But dad, said that for reasons. Firasat bapak biasalah lah misteri sgt kita tak tahu apa dia fikir. But i hope one day, if abah really wants me to get married, i will tp xtahu lah dgn sapa just for the sake dont want to be burden kat dia.
After dengar pasal doa jodoh tu, aku tekad nk sewa rumah sendiri, cari keje tetap buy car, send money homes, join jemaah. Buat kerja jemaah. I will just balik sekali sekala hantar buah tangan for mom dad, and shows them that iam fine alone, without abah supports or suami support. Nak jd independant xsemestinya kena kahwin or wte. I dont like the idea.
Tbh, aku belum lg larat nk pikul tgjwb sbg isteri or mak sbb tgjwb sbg ahli jemaah or seorg anak pun aku dh lari jauh. Tak mbantu apa apa. Aku mmg tak berguna. Tak siapa tahu aku graduated dari uiam dgn cemerlang menang byk competition and good cgpa and marks aku klua jd manusia duduk bwh tempurung and jd manusia paling tak berguna pada masyarakat even kepada keluarga sendiri.
Aku benci diri aku sbb aku tak buat apa perubahan. Duduk bilik tak habis2 express pakai berus dan kanvas. Smpai bila duduk bawah bayang crush tak suka aku. Tp aku suka dia so bad and went crazy.
For such a smart person who cant control her feelings and emotion, yeah she actually so dumb and useless.cant even make her own decision, crying all night and hv deep late night thought that would destroy her morning and works. She thought she cool enough, strong and smart. But she is nothing but an empty shell. She is helpless, and stupid cant think right and every decision looks like a suicide routes.
I just hope one day, she dont hang herself and write 'i quit' just like in 3 idiots.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Cheer up life.
As i grew older, i realized that life is getting harder. Its not getting simple and happy at all. When i thought everything will be okay after i graduated from degree.
And here i am, live the life that i cant barely accept the way it is, live the life that i will never be happy, i know, we will never know until the end of the day. So that means we have to keep living this way?.
Time. Please wait. I will change. I will make a new decision, everytime i fall, ill stand up and walking again, i will never turning back. And i will never ever says 'kalau aku still kerja kat sana mesti.... '
Never. I will leave, trust me. life never been easy from the very beginning. Never for me. Kalau nak hidup senang, memang takkan dapat, ada cuma terselit dalam hari hari yg kita lalui hari- hari.
Kalau aku kata aku kerja susah, tipu. Aku kerja senang sangat. Kerja yang simple, duduk depan pc. Kadang xyah pakai otak. Kadang bodoh ja duduk situ. Then one day i got scolded, asked me to improve the office, and give benefit to the office, jgn asyik main fon ja.
The part of main fon, yes, i admit my fault and it only happens once, after i finished my sijil job witch took me about 2weeks straight to finish it, and just that day aku rileks kejap sbb takde job sgt. What kind of improvement that i can make, bila byk benda aku suggest di diamkan. My enthusiasm gone waste at the beginning of the job, how come that spirit will come again whenever people don't appreciate.
Oh well, tak appreciate works tu biasalah. Tp bila dh kata aku tak buat kerja tu aku tak follow up tu dh mcm keterlaluan jugak lah. Me myself, is the most rajin student ever, self-proclaimed whetever . But when it comes to buat untuk others, please have a respect, you want me to improve this and that, first improve how do you works with your words.
Ah malas nk cakap banyak, kalau dh tak suka tu, it could be anything right? I hate it. But this is my fate, coz maybe someday ill say thanks, coz gimme opportunity and made me realized how important my decision for myself. 😂😂😂😂
So, dear myself, dear you and me.
Buatlah keputusan yang terbaik dlm hidup, dont waste your life, your time. Memang kita takkan tauu pun apa keputusan kita tu ok ke tak smpai kita kene hadap kita punya decision. Ask Allah.
Its okay, we can always give ourself another chance. Give ourself life, opportunity that our heart want it.
Kadang mmg hidup tak seperti yg kita nak. Mmg tak dapatlah semua benda jadi kan, the thing is, kau happy ke tak?
Cari benda yg buat kau happy dan takkan myesal seumur hidup kau.
Trust me.
Duit tu penting, tapi kau? Sapa lagi penting. Buat benda yg kau suka. Benda kau nak, tp jgn buat half-hearted. And you know, jalan yg buat kita bahagia tu pun belum tentu jalan yang bahagia.
Dear kazehaya,
I will come to you one day
Holding these daisies.
That will remind us, the hardship
That we gone through,
The fate that we never know.
The love we never taste,
The excuses for us to meet.
I will always pray the Best for you.
And for me and us.
If we're not meant to be, then
I hope i will still be happy,
With Allah's fate. I trust Him.
But maybe if someday
We're meant to be
I will come to you,
To hear that you love me,
And ask me to marry you,
And i will say
I love you
Sincerely, perempuan gatal.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Reaching you
I wonder what kind of reason should I make for us to meet?
Or maybe ill just be honest, and tell you what it really means.
To spend time with you and to always by your side.
Be honest, but everybody dont want to be an annoying person isn't it?
But is it okay for me to be annoying after all?
Maybe I could lower my ego and ask you about yourself.
Or maybe i will just keep watching you from far? But now, you stay in a world where even my eyes reach you.
Will my feeling reach you?will you ever Notice me?
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Travel Japan with your own itinerary. (Summer 2016)
Kalau korang yang tak biasa travel sendiri, better cari kawan yg pernah travel, means yg pernah lah pergi dua tiga kali and bleh survived kat negara orang. Dont be afraid to try. kalau tak bila lagi korang nak merasa kan? ha hah ha
First of all, ktorg beli tiket promotion ke kansai airport using Airasia, around RM1005, kira dapat murah sbb tengah promo kan. pastu dah beli tiket, baru Gelabah nak kumpul duit. kahkah

ARASHIYAMA, best ! Photo credit : Enjelika |
Total belanja overal = idk around 32000JPY jugak, (rm1200+)
so overall, Japan is really2 a great country to visit. It was good if you able to learn their language, Japanese people really kind and willing to help you eventhough they dont understand english that much, they are willing to help you. And also, in the subway, i was ...like cuci mata tgk mamat2 jepun yang handsome handsome yang aku slalu tengok dalam dorama and movie jepun. hahahahaha. well i guess my taste mmg laki jepun. alah. mata sepet putih and sopan santun gitu. comey sangat. tapi apalah yang aku mampu. hanya mampu usha2 senpai dan kohai daripada jauh saja. wuwuwuwuw....
i cried otw balik. sikit jelah, sbb Allah gv this opportnities to tengok everything that I wanted to see. culture, technologies, people,what they believe, what are they gone through everyday, their house and lving, how they have vending machine almost anywhere, you will not die sebab thirsty sbb vending machine tu dah macam cendawan. mana mana ja ada. LOL.
and tips for travel partner, just travel dgn org yang kau suka and senang. Dont end up hating each other and ignore each other. No matter what, kita dah pergi sama sama, nak taknak kene sabar and terima perangai masing masing, kalau tak ok tegurlah paling cikai pun. This is where we get to know each other kan. But iam so glad and bersyukur my travel partners is caje, aina and aa, they are very kind, and pandai ambil gambar (paling penting) hahaha. and sabar with my perangai. and i also feel bad lah sbb ada jugak buat perangai in the middle and along the way -.- amazing depa bleh sabau dgn prangai aku.
setiap journey yang kita planned. Allah pun planned, and Allah is the best planner. we have to accept that apa benda yang kita rancang mmg kadang2 slalu tak jadi, kalau jadi Alhmdulillah kalau tak jadi slalu saja ada hikmahNya yang kita dapat along the way right?
I was sesat at Denden Town, like 2 hours, (ada hikmahNya Iwent there alone, kalau depa ikut skali dah mengamuk dah) hahaha. but actually there are always Allah punya planning different for 4 of us.
mula2 pergi I was like, tak cukup bajet and everything, but then dah pergi sana train lagi murah ada entrance fee , and i got extra money from my brother, so ada duit lebih rupanya. Then syukurlah perjalanan pun tak mahal, bleh beli apa yng I need and sourvenir for important people kan, for appreciation.
Tips for makan : we were so jimat bila bawak makanan from Malaysia, which are 3 in 1 , maggie tu kalau bleh bawak banyak sket, then, lauk2 siap BrAHIMs lauk, the beli nasik pack kat Jepun. ada kedai runcit yg jual murah. Then i beli teloq kat Family mart to tambah lauk. haha sebab almost nak muntah makan lauk brahims dgn nasik, I got muak on 4th day ke tak silap. hmmmmmmm. tp sykurlah ada makanan. hahahaha. we beli makanan dekat Chibune (osaka mosque) ada area makanan halal kat situ kan, tu jela aku makan ayam tandori 200JPY seketul, and taste Eyena punya cheese Nan (sedap gila ) 600JPY.
Tips for jenjalan ; Make sure you fit lah, jogging at least a week full, (aku tak pun tu sbb kaki rasa nak patah) , nnti cepat penat pastu cepat marah, lagi2 panas kan summmer. so, get yourself a lot of sabar and energy. jangn risau, vending mechnine berlambak kalau dahaga.
Wifi: they always promoting free wifi kat mana2, MANA2. seriously literally mana2, even dalam 7E ada, Family Mart ada. so dont worry if you cant get connected.
If you really want to travel, make up your mind, kumpul duit betul2, and buat keputusan by choosing the right travel partner, they might be a bigger help pasal duit ka, or pasal everything. Get to know people yg ada experiences, tanya and consult with them, biar nampak buduh pun, kene brave and brani bertanya, (importnat element in travelling) . put it in your mind that both of you still new, and first time datang kat situ, so anythng happen we will learn something new. Allah Ya Baari always have best plan for you. and Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim always bless you sentiasa sepanjang perjalanan, you will be blessed, trust me, Keagunan dan kasih sayang Allah tu sangat luas walau kat Jepun ke , Malaysia ke, thailand ka, DIA sentiasa ada bersama kita. dont worry. ok? Daijobu. InsyaAllah everything will be fine. jangan takut untuk mencuba.
amboi panjang hakak karang. peluh ketiak. ok goodluck , pape bleh PM akak bleh lah akak share private2 kan. hahahahaha.
sapa2 aada information tambahan pun bleh lah share ngan akak. akak ingat nak pergi lagi lah. tengok camna. hihihihih

"wahai orang-orang yang beriman, Mengapa kamu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak kamu kerjakan?" "Allah sangat benci jika kamu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak kamu kerjakan" Assoff:2-3